Stig Lindberg (1916-1982) was born in Umea in Sweden. He is considered one of Sweden’s most important postwar designers. He is well-known for his constant creativity and exceptional eye for shapes, proportions and patterns. He was a ceramic, glass, textile and industrial designer, but also a very skilled painter and illustrator.
In 1937, Stig was offered a summer job at the Gustavsberg Factory, he would continue his work there for 45 years. When Stig arrived at the factory, a team of recognized artists, such as Wilhelm Kage and Berndt Friberg, was already in place. Stig quickly distinguished himself at Gustavsberg by exhibiting magnificent drawing techniques and sharing his wealth of ideas. Working first under the artistic lead of Wilhelm Kåge, Kåge was impressed by Stig and opened the door to a more prominent role in the factory while offering Stig greater artistic freedom.
Together, Stig and Wilhelm Kåge developed the diverse and extensive faience production in the late 1930s and early 1940s. The objects were often marked by the blue studio hand, the symbol of Stig Lindberg. In 1949, Stig Lindberg succeeded Wilhelm Kåge as artistic leader. In the 1950s, Stig Lindberg built upon his notoriety to become the public face of Gustavsberg Factory. Stig did not make a distinction between the artistic merit of industrial design and more traditional works of art. He famously noted, “A thumbtack holds for me as much poetry as a wildflower.”