Behind each object lies one or more stories, and although we rarely know the whole picture, we sometimes find ourselves becoming the ephemeral owner or the spectator of this history in the making.
We regularly come across new objects in the course of our travels, discussions and encounters, as well as at auctions around the world. These intriguing places bring together the passionate, the curious, the onlookers and the professionals looking for one or more objects to satisfy their curiosity.
An abstract language is widely used here, made up of the sounds of mouths, hammers and more or less controlled hand movements.
Like a chaotic concerto, the numbers mingle with the descriptions of the objects on display in a unique rhythm, and sometimes even a short story punctuates this dance of sound. Like a living theatre, one object replaces another, gloved hands position a sculpture or vase in the light, eyes scrutinise the contours before the fateful blow of the hammer. And finally a silhouette appears and disappears with the piece, which will find a new life or find itself in its box until the next time.
Fair warning, this is the last moment to make your choice!